Now find us on Instagram

Yes! We’re on the hottest little photo networking app in town. If you’re on then let us know. We’ll be pleased as punch to connect and share photos as and when. Heck we may even throw an Instagram event here and there. But first things first… first let’s get the party started!

2012 Autumn Schedule is up and running

So many social networking outlets to make sure we post on and we forget to post our poster here on our own blog. Yikes! But really, the Olympic hangover has made October the new September this year for signing up to courses…. so we are really not late all. Feel free to take a browse […]

We are now booking Autumn 2012 Half Term Workshops for Teens

Click HERE for booking information or call us at 0203 002 4991.

Only a couple days left!

If you get a chance take a peek in at Anita Chandras solo exhibition. She’s got a sharp eye and worth a look.

The Mango Lab in Africa | Day 49

As I continue documenting the Oasis Overland adventure group around our current base, the jaw dropping gorgeous Victoria Falls, I was able to get some still shots of this wonder saturated by moonlight. Although the cameras took a beating in the very, VERY wet conditions from the Fall’s mist, I managed to get some shots […]

The Mango Lab in Africa Day 46

The group had an adrenalin day at Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe filled with scenic helicopter rides, bungee jumping, zip lining and just taking in the awe and beauty of these massive and majestic falls. They did have the time though to gather together for a group photo and send their wishes to the Queen for a […]

The Mango Lab in Africa Day 36

The studio received a call today from our intrepid Julia travelling and documenting the adventures for the fine folks operating Oasis Overland Adventure Travel. Having not heard from her for over seven days we were getting a bit nervous she may have found the life so remote and enchanting that she traded in her smartphone […]

The Mango Lab in Africa

About six weeks ago there was mention of a buzz brewing at The Mango Lab. We now can reveal that we won an exciting contract that has taken us to Africa for three months. It may have looked as though we had abandoned our blog or website over the last few weeks, but we have […]

iphoneography workshops

Just announced! We are so excited to be offering this workshop. Join us for our inaugural run of the iphoneographers’ london workshop coming up Sunday March 25th 2012, 11:00 am. Mobile phone photography tends for many people to be just a quick capture. A document, a record, maybe a fun snapshot where a camera would […]